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  • An integrated systems model for antimicrobial resistance under changing climate

Research Thesis Topic

An integrated systems model for antimicrobial resistance under changing climate

Topic ID:

Thesis Topic/Title:
An integrated systems model for antimicrobial resistance under changing climate


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and climate change are both ‘wicked’ problems spanning multiple sectors, requiring systematic approaches to address. Drivers of AMR are complex as they arise from and interact between the human, animal and environmental systems in dynamic and non-linear dimensions. A changing climate is likely exacerbating AMR and its drivers.
This project will investigate the interrelationships and feedback between climatic factors and the increased growth and spread of bacterial resistance in an integrated model where other non-climatic factors will also be considered. The project will examine how these complex interactions impact AMR in the future under different climate scenarios and propose plausible interventions/management strategies.
This project is colloborated with CSIRO to offer Top-Up Scholarship of $10,000 per annum, plus a learning and development budget of $5,000 over the term of the studentship (plus UniSQs' scholarships):

Principal Supervisor

Associate Supervisors

Research Affiliations

Field of Research
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
  • Climate Change Impacts And Adaptation
  • Other Health Sciences
  • Public Health
  • Statistics

Available Academic Programs
  • Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD)
  • Master of Research (MRES)

Application Open Date

Application Close Date

USQ Scholarship Applications

Pre-approved for Ethics

Admission Requirements

Please review the admission requirements for the academic program associated with this Thesis Topic

External Associate Suppervisor: Dr Yen Pham (CSIRO:

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